We are proud to partner with Your Brain Health and the Concussion Center who use NeuroFlex® as part of their baseline screening services.
Your Brain Health provides education, clinical support and baseline screening globally. The team believe baseline screening is the most effective way of measuring a variety of brain functions. Its multimodal screening includes:
- Vestibular Ocular Motor screening using NeuroFlex®
- Balance & postural sway tests
- Cognitive testing– simple reaction time tests and NeuroFlex® test
- Brain Health History pre-screen – including relevant medical history, current symptoms, mental health and sleep

Baseline Screening
Our partners provide baseline screening using NeuroFlex®. We are proud to form part of the ‘new gold’ standard of multimodal baseline screening.
Multimodal testing provides clinicians with the whole picture. It involves using various assessment tools to evaluate different aspects of cognitive function, balance, coordination and other factors affected by concussion.
Baseline screening is important because it measures the brain in a healthy state, providing clinicians with a reference point. If a concussion is suspected, baseline screening results can be compared to post-injury results to help determine the treatment needed.