Peer Reviewed Studies
Sleep Advances: ‘A Portable Ocular Assessment for Predicting Fitness to Drive under Extended-Wakefulness Conditions – Preliminary Analysis’ – this study researched vestibular reflexes in determining those who were sleep deprived.
BJSM: ‘Correlation analysis of objective eye movement metrics and SCAT5 measurements in Japanese professional soccer players on pre-season/baseline phase’ – This study looked at difference in correlations between the NeuroFlex’s objective vestibular ocular and ocular motor reflexes, and those of the Sports Concussion Assessment tool, the coefficients were low, leading the authors to conclude both assessments combined would improve concussion assessments.
BJSM: ‘Medical services at the FIFA world cup Qatar 2022’ – highlights the role NeuroFlex played as part of the independent concussion service offered by the Aspetar Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Hospital that was offered at the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Importantly, the success of this service has since been implemented by FIFA as part of their ‘Independent Concussion and Rehabilitation Service’.
BJSM: ‘Sex-related differences in visual reaction time, oculomotor, and cognitive abilities in varsity athletes with a history of concussion’ – – no differences biological sex-related performance differences in objective vestibular and ocular performance.

Individualised Approach
Previously, objective data could only be obtained through a specialist hospital laboratory. Now, NeuroFlex® undertakes reflex tests in a portable tool. The technology is light and portable, consisting of a laptop, VR goggles and the NeuroFlex® software.
NeuroFlex® is registered with the FDA, Australian TGA, European Medicines Agency, UK MHRA, Health Canada & South Africa HPRA.
NeuroFlex in Action
Computerized Cognitive Assessment Aid
Cognitive Assessment Aids measure attention, memory, visuospatial, language and reasoning. NeuroFlex’s tests invoke oculomotor and vestibular motor reflexes and reactions to aid in cognitive assessment particularly attention, memory and visuospatial.
*The NeuroFlex® device does not provide a diagnosis by itself.